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The Erongo Emperor,
Erongo Namibia
Asbestos faerie,
Val Malenco Italy
Mont Blanc

Sarah Sudcowsky is an italian artist. She was born in Como on 6 December 1976, and she started drawing at the age of 1. Since then, she developed her several technincs, which she uses for her artwork. Since she started becoming a fond of crystals and a rockhounder, she also started drawing and painting her favourite world, the fantasy world of the Little People and of Faeries, both with her favourite minerals.
Sarah has just wrote a book that will be soon published: LE FATE DEI CRISTALLI (Faeries of Crystals), and these paintings just come from that novel. Sarah uses many art technics, but in this case she got together a special mix of technics as watwercolous, ink, and virtual airbrush, for a final "collage" obtained with the computer graphics.

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