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De : Fladnag  Ecrire à Fladnag
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Date : Lundi 7 janvier 2002 à 21:10:37
Enfin... je fait un c/c de la page :


from a post over at

"I've just spoken to a good friend of mine who worked on FOTR as a stunt man, and he had a lot to do with stunt co- ordination. Heres what he had to say on the film's 3 hour cut.

-He told me he was extremely disappointed because 75% of all the stunts they did were cut(due to graphic content). Apparently, at least 3 mins of the Amon Hen battle was cut, including numerous decapitations, high falls and stabbings

- Most of the violent shots cut out at Amon Hen involved Gimli and Legolas.

- We only saw the opening and closing of Aragorn's battle against the 40 Uruks. The really violent stuff in the middle was cut.

- A sequence of Gimili chopping heads in Moira was cut.

- The most violent shots of Legolas' archery were cut, including a shot at Amon Hen where he pins two Uruks heads together with one arrow.

- Wizards duel, slightly cut. But apparently the angles that were selected de-emphasised the graphic nature of the battle.
Notice how Gandalf was bleeding more than was warranted? Apparently there are a lot more wide shots of the impacts. as well as more shots involving an actual staff fight,and not just spells.
p.s that's Ian Mckellen spinning on the ground, not a stuntman.

- In terms of drama, a lot of Gimili and Legolas' scenes were cut involving their developing friendship. As well as scenes between Gandalf and Aragorn. Also more bits of Boromir slowly cracking.

- At least 30 mins total was cut from Rivendell and Lothlorien. Including the giving of the gifts.

- 1-2mins of the prologue were cut. Most of the shots were of Gil Galad and Elendil annihilating orcs. But also cut were their 'alternate' death scenes. This is after a one on one battle with Sauron. My friend knows this because he was in this scene and had a single line of dialogue, responding to an order from Gil Galad. This indicates that there was dialogue and character interaction in the prologue. Also cut was a sequence of elf bowmen firing thousands of arrows at the charging orcs.

- Finally, PJ's original 'final cut' was 4hrs.45mins - described as his Dream Cut. This was in turn cut under orders from New Line to a little under 4 hours. The rest of the stuff cut from this version, thus making the present 3 hour cut, was the above mentioned blood guts as well as more battle stuff and drama. The good money, I am told, is on PJ's 'dream version being released as an alternate dvd in the future. But more than likely not on the official dvd."

I wouldn't doubt if some or most of this is true simply because I've heard the same discriptions from too many people (kinda like the Richard Gere & Hamster story ))


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Scytale  Ecrire à Scytale

2002-01-07 21:36:08 

 Khoul !Détails
Pour les scènes de décapitation et de violence dans les batailles, je ne suis pas trop pour, j'avais trouvé agréable que le film représente de nombreux combat avec sobriété, sans excés de sang et de mutilations. Cela allait dans le sens de la féérie de l'ensemble.

Par contre, pour Rivendell et Lothlorien : Youpla ! Vive les elfes, vive Galadriel, vive la Lorien !

Tleilaxu dénaturé..

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