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 Dysphoria (poème) Voir la page du message 
De : Estellanara  Ecrire à Estellanara
Page web :
Date : Mercredi 22 avril 2020 à 22:08:09
Première tentative de poème en anglais. Ça m'a pris comme ça. Je ne suis pas sûre qu'il n'y ait pas des fautes. Quelqu’un est bon en anglais dans le coin ?

Not actually there
You're drifting
Automatic pilot
Rewriting your life, dreaming
Not fully aware

You wish you could sink
You're drifting
Dozing, drowsing, drowning
Impossible to think
Focus gone

Fantasy better than reality
You're drifting
Getting away imperceptibly
Never actually there
Life without you flowing

You come back at last
You've been drifting
The happiness you had
Without you, hours have passed
Is this really so bad

Don't want to rise
You're drifting
The dream more colorful
Even if just lies
Sleeping, slipping

In the water, you're drifting
When you hear it, you're drifting
When you walk, you're drifting
Ashamed, conflicted

Everything so grey outside
You're drifting
Going down, deep
Watching the images in your mind
And don't letting sleep...

Tangible dream, slippery reality
You're drifting
Not there, only your body
Staring at the void, wondering
Is this so bad

Sheltered in your sanctuary
You're drifting
Again and again playing the tragedy
Fixing, controling and gilding
Conceiving, concealing

Delight virtual, delight real
A treat to yourself giving
Zoning out not to see
Zoning out for intensity
You're drifting

Chimera, in your misty embrace
I'm drifting
A blissful smile on my face
Illusion, on your wing
Cradle me, soothe me, fulfill me

Est', en français c'est long mais alors en anglais je vous raconte pas ! Prochaine étape : le japonais !

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z653z  Ecrire à z653z

2020-04-23 22:31:49 

 Petit trucDétails
Je ne suis pas très bon en anglais (je m'y suis récemment remis avec duolingo) mais "Never actually there" me paraît assez inhabituel.

Le site Linguee peut aussi aider.

Bref beau texte.

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Estellanara  Ecrire à Estellanara

2020-04-25 20:04:07 

 Ah mince...Détails
Tu as une suggestion pour remplacer ? Really ne me plait pas...
Merci !

Est', polyglotte ou presque.

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